lauantai 28. lokakuuta 2017

Families need teaching about emotions

One the of the popular programs on Krusa-FM is called Family seminar, hosted by pastor Joseph Keo and his wife Makara. During the Kkmer Rouge time, the  families were separated. Purpose of family seminar program is to teach how to live family life. Pastor Keo shared me that in Cambodian families, expressing the emotions is difficult. It is one of the key topics in family seminar, to learn to express your emotions to your spouse, show affection and love. Also one topic is forgiveness. Here a couple shares what it means to them to participate in family seminars.

Currently family seminars run in eight provinces. Keos visit those localities once or twice a year. At first, Keos teach the content of the book they use related to the seminar, and the second time, it is kind of training of trainees seminar. So that each participant will be able to run their own seminars. There is such a tremendous need for this kind of training.

Today we met a very poor listener. He is 32-year old man, living in this modest house (above). He got blinded in motorbike accident. His family does not care for him, since he has become a Christian. Now he lives near a local church, so church members come and help him. But since he is blind; radio, and Krusa-FM especially is his best company. He listens it all the time. Research assistant Sophors interviewed him and filled the questionnaire for him.
This church  (below) is one of the poorest churches I have seen. Structure is not important obviosly.

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